Restorative Yoga Therapy Training

Restorative Yoga Therapy Training

My Health Yoga Online is excited to present our Restorative Yoga Therapy Training, a 2 module post-graduate program that marries perfectly with our Yin Yoga Teacher Training course.

Restorative Yoga is an even slower and more held yoga ritual than it’s Yin Yoga counterpart.  Restorative yoga asanas are held for up to 20 minutes, merging the inner meditative worlds with gentle shapes made by the physical body to deepen internal energy & pranic flow.  These styles of yoga are the anti-dote to yang energy which arises in our culture, often to some degree of excess.

Restorative Yoga is ideal for trauma, stress and for those with physical injury which inhibits a wide range of movement. Additionally, spiritual seekers who long for hours spent in meditation cultivating their inner eye and galactic experiences will require Restorative Yoga at some point in their journey as they learn to hold the animation in their third eye for longer and longer.  Used for this purpose, those who meditate deeply and often are the real creators of reality when used to direct their consciousness for creating balance on earth.


On successful completion of the training, you will be certified by My Health Yoga, and will be eligible for association upgrade of 40 hours with your membership and insurance, including these major yoga associations – see below (other associations may also be applicable).

Pre-requisite Training

Any My Health Yoga course (please email to discuss if you have trained with another school)


$215/module (total $430, paid monthly with the option to pause or speed up payments)
$400 upfront payment

All amounts are in Australian dollars

  • For those paying per module: Your course may be deferred and payments ceased at anytime.  You are entitled to keep any modules already activated.
  • No refund can be given 1 month after enrolment
  • Please note this is quality and long standing yoga teacher training school with proper support and feedback given on each activity and assignment you submit.  You can also video chat or email with us as required, we are here to support your journey to becoming a Restorative Yoga Teacher and doing it online does not mean we are not here for you!
$400.00 – or $215.00 / month for 2 months
$215.00 / month for 2 months